Séminaire Franck RUFFIER et Stéphane VIOLLET, Jeudi 26 novembre 2015, 13h30, LORIA

Le séminaire iPAC du 26 novembre 2015 aura lieu dans l'Amphi du LORIA (Nancy) à 13h30.

Orateurs: Stéphane VIOLLET, DR CNRS et Franck RUFFIER CR1 CNRS, Equipe Biorobotique, Institut des Sciences du Mouvement UMR 7287, Marseille.

Premier Exposé : S. VIOLLET : Bio-inspired control strategies and visual sensors for aerial robots.

Our biorobotic approach aims at understanding and modeling naturals sensorimotor mechanisms, then implementing these models onboard robotic demonstrators which, once running in a real environment, will be able to refute or confirm what we modeled in animals. Thus, step by step, we move forward in our understanding of these sensorimotor mechanisms et we endow our robots with more and more elaborate capabilities in terms of autonomy and agility.

Deuxième exposé : F. RUFFIER : Downward Optic flow as the main altitude control cue

Flying insects are endowed with several sensory modalities, such as those mediating taste, touch, olfaction, color vision as well as optic flow. Robots equipped with a new autopilot based on just a couple of local downward optic-flow measurements are able to control their course without requiring a state vector describing their absolute speed and altitude. By applying optic flow criteria, these robots manipulate forces by the way of rotor speed and thus adjust their speed of flight, and their altitude without any state vector. This optic flow based steering control system makes them avoid obstacles even in unstable environments without any need for maps.

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